springblooming leaf
Why lotos lotus? whats love?
floral gardens for adore and cherish
Our lotus lotos flowers are playing a major role in global history. Its symbolism manifested itself in roles cultures and religions. from ancient egypt or in buddhism : its rediscovery in modern yoga circles, our interpretation of lotos ranges from rebirth and eternity, cosmic harmony, purity, adoring, cherish, blossom and beauty. a metaphoric symbol for female clitoris
our charity unites color and our abstract world art
likewise color and cruel manifastation / reality what we all could find in ourselves, a perspective and a enable view that can induce change
A lotos flower for cherish adore and blossom
What is beauty? What is perfection? whats nice? whats beauty?
Our lotos flower could be a symbol of/for imperfection, cherish, blossom, adoring, being nice, maybe love and enlightenment for ages in cultures.
our blooming and flourishing in our four laps
We have chosen this symbol because all following reasons
Our aim is a critical way for viewing / perspective `cause in our symbol we find imperfaction is perfection in nature
our „lotos lotus“ blossom represents our delicate sexual
rebirth and preciousnesssymbol of
purity and unaffectedness
cherish, adorin, love, new beginning, seduce
(divine) birth and perfection
floras for everybody
gee gosh beneficence
age for all