In our time,chaos & instability are often considered inherent aspects of contemporary civilization and democracy. However, among the preoccupation with crises and social collapse, we firmly embrace the power of the aesthetic ideal. Human beings, ~ we firmly believe in the transformative potential of beauty and seek to create a harmonious cosmos in which our experiences exist purely on an aesthetic level. This unwavering conviction drives us to search for a world characterized by harmony and unity that will guarantee our long-term survival.
Lym Moreno evokes an imaginary place in which the works create a dialogue with themselves and with the space. The dialogue emphasizes harmonious interaction, inviting one to explore the space and discover the connections between them. It is an abstract and enveloping Garden that celebrates versatility, while suggesting a sense of unity and timelessness.
lym Moreno
Garden of Simple Harmonies
hosted by Contemporary Matters
Contemporary Matters
Studio : Sonnenallee 26, 1220 Vienna
Open: June 01, 7 ~ 10 pm
Close: June 09, 6 ~ 9 pm
Hosted by Contemporary Matters is a series of events which allows artists, curators and researchers to take over the Contemporary Matters Studio. The fourth project in the series is an exhibition organized by artist Lym Moreno.