Having become known for one of the largest floor paintings in the world, artist Golif now shows insights into his work

In summer, he worked for three months in an abandoned car repair shop. Among other things, he created fantasy vehicles out of cardboard.

Paintings on canvas and paper as well as life-size fantasy vehicles made of cardboard are part of the works created in the workshop in Favoriten.

„Using the car as a status symbol or as an idol, or creating something that people want or desire, was a very exciting topic for me,“ says golif. Working with cardboard is very exciting. You can work freely and quickly with it.

„His Car“ are also a homage to his floor painting in St. Marx in 2016, when he already worked with cardboard. His character „the observer“ has long been seen not only in public spaces, but also in galleries.

Art, he says, is a matter of perspective. „You have to observe things, you have to observe them to understand what is behind them. It’s very important to keep the gaze.“


New exhibition by Golif
He said, he have created our largest floor painting at our world. Now Golif has spent his summer working on much smaller works, in an abandoned car repair shop in Favoriten.

„Artist, not sprayer“
The exhibition allows a glimpse of the working artist – with a video installation and documentary photos. Despite the spray cans, Golif calls himself a visual artist and not a sprayer.

„No, it doesn’t work in terms of time. I’ve heard that you underestimate the effort it takes to be an illegal sprayer,“ the artist smiles.


Golif grew up in Tyrol and studied at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Golif became known to broad public through projects of gigantic dimensions. For example, the 30,000m² floor painting „The Observer“ (Vie) or the painting of the agricultural warehouse near Korneuburg in Lower Austria.

His unique style with recognition value is characterised by urban, male, androgynous and female characters. Garish colours and black strokes alternate with each other. Works by the artist can be seen today in cities such as Los Angeles and Hong Kong. The exhibition is open until 1 October between 2 and 6 p.m. in the workshop at Neilreichgasse 32.