There are countless possibilities for funding and many things change every time... Either for institutional reasons, political restructuring or perhaps the description and explanation of the [...]
There are countless possibilities for funding and many things change every time... Either for institutional reasons, political restructuring or perhaps the description and explanation of the [...]
She has not given up her passion for people, graffiti, hip-hop culture to this day and still likes to go on adventures. The art book is one of the best-selling - and probably most stolen - art [...]
Victor Hugo says: "The one who open a school, close a prison."
A woman who expresses herself through her camera and wants to inspire. INFOCUS Syrian artist Linda Zahra.
Montevideo in Uruguay has some augmented reality fun for you...
Each mural is a page that interacts with your device to expand the journey with augmented reality, narration, music, animations, [...]
If you've ever been out and about in Portugal, you've probably noticed the painted tiles that adorn the facades of buildings. Called azulejos, these magnificent glowing decorations are one of the [...]
It's time we understood how societal and technological developments (can) change the view of diversity.
However, the two are different concepts, the following distinction between which is of [...]