your chance dance
Can’t keep your feet still to good music? Maybe we have a perfect programme tip. With this selection of acts, you can perfom and dance
more: Kultursommer Wien
Free promotion: 2×30 free minutes with our WienMobil bike
With promotional code ,KULTUR24′ , you can take two free 30-minute rides on a WienMobil bike for the entire duration of the Kultursommer Wien
take your chance period: 27th June ~ 11 August 2024
how it works
There is a virtual WienMobil bike station* at each of the nine Kultursommer stages, so you can cycle from stage to stage in comfort. Enter the promotional code „KULTUR24“ when renting a WienMobil bike and you can cycle for 2 x 30 minutes free of charge.
WienMobil Rad: bike sharing from Wiener Linien
WienMobil Rad is the bike sharing system of Wiener Linien. There are 3,000 bikes available at 240 locations throughout Vienna, which you can rent and return conveniently via app
Wasserturm Favoriten: 1100 Wien
Hyblerpark: 1110 Wien
Wilhelmsdorfer Park: 1120 Wien
Reithofferpark: 1150 Wien
Währinger Park: 1180 Wien
Mortarapark: 1200 Wien
Großfeldsiedlung U1: 1210 Wien
Schröderingerplatz: 1220 Wien
Meischlgasse ASK Erlaa: 1230 Wien