Asta Cink and Erika Farina expand their work and take it to a new level by creating, in a exhibition, creating points of contact between the textile surfaces and the analogue images. In their exhibition EXTENDED SURFACES, Asta Cink and Erika Farina discourse on the perception
of surfaces on the body and on the image. Through a collaborative photographic study exploring surfaces of clothing and their textures, the two use different media to talk about the relationship between motif and photography. Just as the textile surfaces are photographed and translated to an ostensibly two-dimensional layer, the surface becomes an image, the image becomes a body, the texture apparel a structure. And while the images find a body, the clothing loses the wearers.

About artists:

Erika Farina is a tailor and fashion designer based in Vienna. Asta Cink was an actress and dancer and eventually found her way to photography through
performance art and now works with lens-based media.


Opening: 10.03.2021
Exhibition duration: until 07.04.2021
Opening hours: Wednesday to Friday, 15:00 – 19:00

Location: Improper Walls, Reindorfgasse 42, Vienna 1150

Asta Cink & Erika Farina

Performance by Sophia Hörmann: 20.03.2021, 19:00
Artist talk (moderated by Eva Mühlbacher): 23.03.2021, 19:00


MORE: Asta CinkSophia Hörmann , IMPROPERWALLS