Welcome Floridsdorf!
Let's make art, dance and perform together!
We invite all to have fun. Workshops, dance classes and performances with international artists are a reason to enjoy. All [...]
OPENING: 14 JUNE 2021, 17:00 - 20:00
LOCATION: WUK-WSB Studio, Währinger Straße 59, A - 1090 Vienna
OPENING HOURS: DI - THURS, 15:00 - 18:00
IDEA [...]
The first edition of the NEW VIENNA MARKET opens on Sunday, 20 June 2021.
The NEW VIENNA MARKET is a colourful, new and open marketplace of artistic creativity.
On offer at the market will be [...]
We would like to extend this opportunity to you and your members to represent Austrian youth in this APV in Romania as a preparation for a youth exchange in an internationally well-known outdoor [...]
UMLACKIERT Graffiti - from Legal Walls to Wholetrains.
The exhibition "Umlackiert" (repainted) provides an in-depth insight into the Carinthian graffiti writing movement, which has become [...]
A public space / Station underpass has to be painted with with a bunch of children and youth. An artistic work has to be developed with children and youth. The artist is free to choose the style [...]
There are countless possibilities for funding and many things change every time... Either for institutional reasons, political restructuring or perhaps the description and explanation of the [...]