Can we motivate?
an imaginative care
a message transport can be complex and complicated
A lifeable philosophy should be helping others, to make our world more colorful and to share our knowledg. what visual perspectives and communication form would you like to share? individuality? Is corporate identity important
aquise typography composition can be helpful
one month we were searching for characters and testimonials
fantasy begins in our mind. we should dedicate ourselves to our colleagues, stories, theory and mindset. so that we can find „solutions“ for our everyday life
As a formative particle of cultural life, a link and „a mosaic“ in cultural creators, cultural users / our audience, we tried to represent individuality, reflections, dialogs, discourses. development, realization, revitalization in temporary / permanent concepts, ideas and solutions in connections with each other. This should be a perspective, vision, focus and debate of ourself, myself, our environment and clients
greetings from help
Our aim is creating value, revitalize our and others citys, create incentives and integrate history from regions. Unite our and others moments and our and others presence with future. trying to link past with existing and modern culture in/ with the collective homogeneous nature interplay / environment. Our and others aim should present artistically and technologically – encourage people to help shape and reshape
„golden hour“
2022 Maryna and me were doing a research for a project for our train company. by the way I asked her If she has an idea for a project name. She told me whats about „golden hour?“ Oh yeah. Thats it. I took my phone and did a photo of her
On 19 01 2024 I couldn`t answer these questions for my self. Its funy `cause years before it wasn`t hard for me. I tried to sleep. I couldn`t so I went to a concert at chelsea. „The godfahters“ were playing. It was sold out. When I came there I didn`t hear music so I took my smartphone and went home. On the way I drunk my beer and was listing to music of „godfathers and moonshine got me by daniel Norgren“. It was mix snow rain. When I came home I started cooking around O. Still I couldn`t sleep. I started to write further my news. During that I didn`t know how to write further, so I was writing what I wrote. While that I heared „A destination and consultation. For what we are looking for?“ its a song lyric by „the church under the milky way“. Suitable
age era time
whats that? why? for what?
philosphical. Our dynamic ageing raises our question whats our purpose?
Our project is and was about time traveling so our character got this name „goldy“
join us visit us help us and feel comfortable
We are trying preparing a format for you in art
colour and work with us
be part