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Du möchtest ein Teil von iOnArt werden und unsere wunderbare Welt etwas bunter machen?
Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Wir [...]
WeCanSpray is a low-threshold art education project in public space, which stands for creative communication in the field of visual street art in the area of graffiti & street art. Children, [...]
- an immersive and healing experience
Artists with a focus on audiovisual art have been selected for the exhibition, performances and
workshops. The medium has been [...]
Digital Head
Kommunikations- und Redaktions Freelancer
Beschäftigungsverhältnis: Honorarnoten Basis
Wir wollen das Leben der Menschen mit Kunst bereichern.
On the interpretive level, orange combines the instinctive red with the rational yellow. It stands for an unconcern about the opinion of others, while being cheerfully radiant. This color means [...]